Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Will Blog For Christmas Money

My wife and I agreed from the onset that we don't keep stuff from each other. There are no secrets. And the only exception to that rule is speeding tickets... I mean Christmas and birthday gifts. We're allowed to keep gifts and gift plans secret. So I'm selling some stuff on eBay and doing surveys online and selling my blood to vampires to raise some secret money for her Christmas gift. Okay, only two of those are true (because online surveys are lame). The problem is, I only have random stuff to sell on eBay and I only have so much blood... I mean I only have so much time to do surveys. So I've hit the point now where I'm taking donations via PayPal. And if you'd like to contribute, just hit "Donate" on the right side of the screen.

And please be assured, this is definitely a scam. You won't get anything out of this. You'll lose money and someone you don't even know (who is a lovely person, by the way) will get a better gift this year. So at least I'm up front about it.

So, if you know my wife, please don't tell her about this post. You know who you are, so I don't have to name people specifically (but I will - Jill, Landry, Amy, Eva). And to make sure she never finds out about it, I'm hiding the information in the last place she'll ever look - my blog!


Bekah said...

RUDE! You didn't add my name to the list.... RUDE! I'm telling her! :P

Amy said...

I love it. I would totally donate if I could. It's more likely I'll just steal your idea and set up my own paypal account.