Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Few Pearls Of Wisdom From My Older Brother

1. "There are few things in this world that feel as good as a successful high-five."

2. "Dinner for breakfast (except pizza) = yuck. Breakfast for dinner = yum."

3. "Chicks dig scars. Just not emotional scars." (This is still my favorite thing to say.)

4. "There are few things in this world that feel as terrible as a missed high-five."

5. "To err is human, to air is avian."

6. "I can't pull off a mustache. Because that would hurt."


ilovebabyquilts said...

That would hurt. You were so clever to think of making anagrams on cakewrecks! O Cake Retard!

-lisa- said...

Thanks for sharing those. I feel so enlightened now.